Thursday, June 22, 2006

carrot party

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

dog and pony show

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

tee 'n mee

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samoyed smiles

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Monday, June 05, 2006

We are no longer the Dogs of War

We are the Dogs of PEACE!

Our politics are clear - our goal is a simple one: No More!

My name is Tendu (also known as Mr. Tee, or to my friends, just plain ol' Tee).

I have walked the good walk - all five hours - to protest the assention of the new king of america - I carried my red/white/blue chimp the entire route in San Francisco to the much heralded cries of CHIMPEACH!

But the continuation of the hostile action by king george has caused me to exchange that patriotic gesture for the sad one representing what I am here to protest: WAR!

So, please join me and my friends on the Journey down the Road to Peace, Love, and maybe, one day, Forgiveness from a world as bewildered as me!

My name is Tee and I come in Peace!